"As the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Clyde Wayne Crews shows in his invaluable annual survey of the federal regulatory state, we have become the regulation nation almost imperceptibly."
"...As you can see, Ten Thousand Commandments is well worth perusing by anyone concerned with the regulatory state and the implications of these rules for citizens and constituents."
“Clyde Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute concludes regulatory costs are out of control. He’s right.”
--The Regulatory Hydra
Investor’s Business Daily
"[The] Competitive Enterprise Institute's Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State shows how the American people suffer when Congress delegates it constitutional power to create laws to unelected federal bureaucrats."
"Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Alexis de Tocqueville, author of the classic Democracy in America, were born in different times and places. But the French aristocrat and American think tanker have the measure of the federal behemoth in the age of Obama. Writing in 1835, Tocqueville eloquently predicted how it would function, while Crews today supplies in his annual compilation of federal rules and regulations, “10,000 Commandments,” the hard numbers that describe the behemoth's contemporary reach and costs."